Vasiliki Papadopoulos


Carpe Diem Interview Series

Toronto Business Success Stories

About Me

What inspired you to pursue a career in your industry?

The funniest thing I discovered as a child was that my first ever word in Greek (I grew up speaking Greek first and then English) was pappoutsi. This means “shoe” in Greek which, looking back, was very prescient.

I have always loved shoes. They are an extension of my personality and an expression of it. Therefore, when I had the opportunity to work with an accelerator program out of Italy just a few years ago, it was time for me to express that creativity in designing shoes – not just loving them.

How do you stay motivated and focused on your goals?

I don't really like to focus on the notion of motivation. I really try to frame it around consistency. How can I stay consistent in the things I do to get to where I need to go? In building those good habits and that consistency, you are then able to stay focused and moving no matter what.

Further, I am the type of person that needs to write down my goals and work to visualize what I want to do, so being able to do that keeps me accountable and working towards them.

What advice would you give to young professionals starting out in their careers or entrepreneurial endeavour?

Starting anything or leading anything is tough. And there is no clear handbook on any of it. You will need to have grit, resilience, and hard work to be successful. Also, being deliberate about where you channel your efforts and time really helps with time management and overall efficiency.

How do you manage setbacks or failures in business?

For me, you just keep going. You should take them time to do an assessment of what happened, so you ensure you are always learning, but after that, it is best to move on and stay consistent in terms of what you are working on or doing.

THE KΛΕΟ PROJECT is more than footwear—it’s a statement of confidence and elegance. Handcrafted in Italy, each pair blends art and fashion for those who dare to stand out. Walk with purpose, power, and sophistication in shoes that elevate your style.
— Vasiliki Papadopoulos

What do you think makes a great leader?

Someone who can be both compassionate and understanding, but also fair, and when needed, will make tough decisions for the people they are leading.

How has your industry changed since you started, and how have you adapted?

Shoes used to be an in-person retail experience, and while it still is, the selling and marketing of shoes has shifted to a large online experience now. Consumer habits have also shifted to more custom-made designs and unique experiences, which has opened a unique way for shoes to be designed, sold, and marketed. More people want to own a pair of “unique shoes.”

The shoe accelerator I work with provides a 1:1 shoe purchasing model, whereby you order the pair you want, and they are handmade for you in Italy and then shipped directly to you.

What is the best piece of career advice you have ever received?

I got two pieces of excellent advice from people I really admired early on in my career.

The first one was to be your biggest advocate and to be your greatest champion. Without that keen sense of belief or the ability to show to others what you can do, it can be difficult to get things done and be successful. This is especially true of women. As women, we sometimes shy away from putting ourselves out there and being proud of the work we do. Do not do that! Be your biggest advocate!

The second piece of advice was to be a people connector. What that means is to work to bring people together where possible and be the person that connects opportunities, initiatives, and social connectivity. Being a connector means you consistently help others and build a wonderful community of people in your life, but also in theirs.

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